Beyond Fitness Fight Club!
Date: Wednesday, March 21st

Join coaches Shomari Warner and Chris DeSilva in a 6 week boxing program. This 45 minute boxing class is based on training used for boxing: you'll be challenged with boxing drills and technique, footwork and abdominal workouts, short HIIT circuits and of course some skipping. Expect a good cardiovascular workout and to learn proper technique once you put those gloves on!Start date: Wednesday, January 10th
Sessions: Wednesday's 6:20PM and Saturday's 10:30AM
Price: $289 for 12 sessions ($24/session)
$28 per session drop ins
Sign up: Click here to purchase your boxing package.


Sign up and register today!

Create your account with Beyond Fitness Bermuda, LTD to register for Bermuda Triple Challenge Training Program